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Cashmere Terry

95% Cotton, 5% Cashmere

Cashmere Terry
How It’s Made

How It’s Made

What if we told you that you could literally wear clouds? We wouldn't believe us either but trust us on this one. We've blended the softest cotton you can find with our finest Mongolian cashmere.

Why It's Different

Why It's Different

The cotton's strength and firmness makes sure that everything stays ship shape with zero stretching-out while also feeling light and breathable. Turns out, 5% cashmere is all your cotton needs to feel like the ultimate luxury.

Certificates, Programs & Features

Certificates, Programs & Features

BCI Initiative: BCI stands for the Better Cotton Initiative, which is an organization that has created a global cotton program. Farmers from all over the world participate, forming farming communities and developing environmental solutions. They specifically aim to reduce the environmental impact of cotton production, improve cotton producing areas economically, improve the cotton supply chain, and ensure that BCI cotton is credible.

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